Whether in the joint production of a Peruvian cajón, a video chat with a school class in Cameroon or a fair breakfast in the pedestrian zone: The offers of “Bildung trifft Entwicklung“ (education meets development) give many opportunities to think outside the box and to turn some world views upside down.
Instructors from “Bildung trifft Entwicklung“ (education meets development) and “CHAT der WELTEN“ as well as active members from “Junges Engagement“ fill the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with life, show how the goals are being worked on in other parts of the world, and encourage people to look for alternatives themselves as to how we can develop sustainably worldwide and over generations.
The world
you can touch
Why is the North always at the top on world maps? What is the actual shape or outline of Bhutan? And how many times bigger is Brazil compared to Germany? “Bildung trifft Entwicklung“ (education meets development) develops educational materials for Global Learning that promote interactive learning, question the obvious and make diversity understandable.
Millions of people set our table and take care of our well-being without benefiting from it themselves. Global Learning with “Bildung trifft Entwicklung“ (education meets development) ties in with the learner's environment and encourages them to think about their own role in world society. Global connections are better understood and new ways of acting in solidarity are explored.
People who are actively involved with “Bildung trifft Entwicklung“ (education meets development) bring a wide range of experiences, skills and perspectives with them. Specialists and volunteers from development cooperation and people from the Global South bring global connections to life – be it with their own experiences or through CHATs with people in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Whether in the daycare center, in school, in the company, on the university campus, in the One-World-Initiative, in the church congregation or in the senior citizen’s center: with “Bildung trifft Entwicklung” (education meets development) we provide development education for people of all ages in a thematically diverse and target group oriented way.
Making a difference
There are many ways to become active with “Bildung trifft Entwicklung“ (education meets development): As a consortium of ten actors in development education, we network and advise returning volunteers, qualify instructors in Global Learning and campaign for a sustainable and fairer world.